"I don't trust Sean, he is one of them"  Tracy R. Twyman
A few days before her Untimely Death

IMDb entry on S.B. Alger (Public Image)

His Sickly Obsession led S. B. Alger to his Ruin

Deprived by US Courts from any contact with his own fatherless Daughters by an imposed Restraining Order petitioned in courts by his ex-wife for herself and her daughters protection and safety.
Racist Bigot Religious Fanatic
S.B. Alger & Pedophilia

YouTube: S.B. Alger fancies himself as Arab
Pedophile S.B. Alger

Sean Bryan's Alger ex-Wife will know what a liability and corrupt toxic influence she did rid herself of, the moment she finds out that S.B. Alger was sued for $1.2 million because of his obsession with a dead and a married occult author, Tracy R. Twyman

Sean Bryan Alger Whimpering

Perhaps the man who took over Sean Bryan Alger's place, sharing his bed with his ex-wife and fathering his daughters is having the greatest laugh at him with the wife and at the miserable results of his folly..

S.B. Alger and S&M Club

"Why was Jesus arrested.. naked, with an underage boy?"

"I am obsessed with that guys work!"
S.B. Alger
Of course he is OBSESSED

 Perhaps it is the excitement sparked by the image of an ADULT Religious Figure being "naked, with an underage boy".. a MINOR..
Was this "boy" a 'Skinny Whore' too?

Rather, S. B. Alger the Pedophile, is far obsessed with the person of Tracy R. Twyman, a married and dead woman, to a sickening level while being extremely Repulsive to everyone who is watching this spectacle.. far obsessed to a point of ruining the quality of his uneventful, despicable low life.. a scum's low life.

Perhaps S. B. Alger needs to Focus on his ADULT Girlfriend Alicia Lee Taylor, and LEAVE the dead Tracy R. Twyman Alone

Pedophile Sean Bryan Alger
YouTube.com:  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago @S.B. Alger who is "we" ? I'm talking to you because I can't believe.... young boy...fine clothes to try on..... WTF 凸 REPLY  CANCERISALIE 1 year ago Just WTF man ??

Pedo S.B. Alger must LEAVE Children alone as well and focus on his ADULT "chubby" Girlfriend

Facebook Lee Lee (Alicia Anna Taylor):  Started New Job at Boise VA Medical Center  June 8, 2020 Boise, Idaho

S.B. Alger had caused too many harm and too much pain to many individuals..

Deadman's Bitch
Degraded by a Murderous Pedophile*

Late Ryan Bosse's Alicia's late Husband

Late Ryan Bosse.. "Nurse" Alicia's late Husband.. who suddenly 'dropped dead'..
Deadman's Children 'fathered' by Pedo S.B. Alger

"Nurse" Alicia Taylor

Late Ryan Bosse.. A Suspicious Death*
An Investigation needs to be reopened regarding "Nurse" Alicia Anna Taylor's late husband to reexamine the cause of Ryan's 'sudden death' to rule out Murder

Who Murdered Ryan Bosse?

Who Murdered Ryan Bosse? The New Formed Couple?

..and enjoying free rent at late Ryan's widow's expense..

..to do more Harm and cause more Pain..

..and to continue the criminal and the illegal

Sean Bryan Alger, aka S.B. Alger is a Fierce Antisemite who has an established association with Neo Nazis, and other White Supremacy groups in the US.
While his Federal Employee Girlfriend supports him and his Hate Motivated activities, while being on Arlington's Pentagon's Payroll..

Discord: S.B. Alger "I added the Juice" | Demonstrating Antisemitism
Discord: S.B. Alger "S.B. Alger reacted with :heart pulse:" | Demonstrating Antisemitism
Discord Server: S.B. Alger 06/23/2023 1:13 PM:  hey @everyone I did a livestream w/ Beth Martens of "King Hero Podcast", and I forgot to drop it here 1st... But here's the replay:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4kGy5lUueA YouTube Beth Martens: King Hero's Journey (HOFWM) Sean (S.B.) Alger: The History of the Bible [King Hero Interview] Seon (5.8) Alger Host: Beth Martens The History of the Bible
Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo @getongab @VibeHi @GrrrGraphics  ...so he makes them look like this?! https://t.co/H7tpTUwvX8  Twitter for Android Jul 10, 2019 20:03:34
Detail: Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo @getongab @VibeHi @GrrrGraphics  ...so he makes them look like this?! https://t.co/H7tpTUwvX8  Twitter for Android Jul 10, 2019 20:03:34
From S. B. Alger Rx Only Picture Show Discord Server:  S.B. Alger 02/02/2022:  https://youtu.be/9Q7hA7mR3-Q YouTube  XXJAKMACKXX  Our Common Destiny and The Anti Communitarian Manifesto  1
Twitter: S. B. Alger @sewneo. 3h  Corelate this to #NikiRaapana and her work on #COMMUNITARIANISM, and then you'll really start to see the developing architecture of these new systems.  Mark Majekodunmi @MarkMajekodunmi - Jun 24  How did this end up as law in the US? "Few Christians have heard of the Noahide Laws or know that they were signed into US law on March 20, 1991 by George HW Bush."  <Chabad  Noahide Laws are from the Babylonian Talmud
"How did this end up as law in the US? "Few Christians have heard of the Noahide Laws or know that they were signed into US law on March 20, 1991 by George HW Bush."

The FBI needs to Investigate S.B. Alger
as well, his group, his association with Neo-Nazi and Skinhead groups in the US, his organized and mass copyrights infringement activities originating from Alicia Anna Taylor household, and other Hate Crimes and threats based on Hate and Bias against a member of the protected class, and attempts of Murder via organizing gangstalking activities and sourcing recruits by inciting Hate as a motive to gangstalk victims to death by suicide.

Many Wrongs Sean Bryan Alger had committed, many crimes that must be brought to the attention of federal agencies and courts to set the balance aright
..and they shall be brought to the right parties

Bigot S.B. Alger

Sean Bryan Alger Neo Nazi Involvement

His extreme Racism, Hate, and the motivation thus sprung from so as he was acting in accordance with such, had caught up with him after it blinded him from seeing the legal consequences of his actions.. thinking he was immune from justice